Cigarettes can indeed be a reference for how much your monthly income is. When cigarette prices soar because the government raises the price of cigarette excise ribbons and increases in living needs along with the speed of your time, active smokers want to reduce or even 100% stop smoking from draining your money even though it is beneficial for the government in terms of excise income.
In Indonesia can be calculated if you spend 1 pack of cigarettes, the minimum economy class is now around Rp. 9000 - Rp. 12000 per day then 1 month + - Rp. 360,000 x 12 months = 4.32 million Rupiah a year.
while for the upper middle class 1 pack minimum 13,000 - 25,000 then 1 month can reach + - 750,000 x 12 = 9 millions Rupiah a year if you only buy an average of 1 pack. wow that's why 40% of advertisements on free TV are advertisements about cigarettes ( the price of cigarettes may vary in other countries ).
a number that is quite fantastic and feels light to spend just to be burned. it is indeed difficult to stop completely if there is no intention at all and there are no supporting factors such as respiratory illness or economic problems.
I used to be active smokers before I was 15 years old. and when someone gives advice not to smoke or stop smoking, I always ignore it. until one day when breathing feels very painful and very heavy, also the work factor demands to save expenses because it has just started a new business from bank debt capital. so that inevitably it must cut costs one of them from the consumption of cigarettes.
and the method that I use is proven to reduce 100% gradually until it completely stops from smoking.
before you apply this I suggest that you first have to really intention (sure you want to eliminate the smoking habit), because the first effect of this method is:
1. reduced self-confidence when gathering with friends or colleagues because of ridicule why not smoke ??? but after a while they will not mock you if your jadwal is successful.
2. Your mouth will always ask for something to eat
3. You are always thirsty and hungry
4. You may feel a little dizzy or lack of enthusiasm / nicotine addiction
5. Always sleepy because you are accustomed to doing busy with smoking
and others that I have not been able to mention because I have not been smoking since 2014
if you can overcome the minimum 5 things above, I am sure you can 100% stop smoking.
the tricks that I have applied in stages are:
1. first day and so on, never buy 1 pack of cigarettes, buy it at retail. the main factor people always want to light their cigarettes is there are still cigarettes beside them.
2. try to reduce the number of cigarettes consumed per day, for example today smoking 1 pack tomorrow becomes only 11 sticks the next day 10 sticks and so on. until it only consumes a maximum of 3 sticks per day, which is after eating. You can't do it directly in a row, you can reach 2 months and you can reach 3 sticks per day.
3. after successfully reaching number 3, then reduce it again to 2 sticks per day for 1 month. after feeling familiar, reduce it again to 1 stick per day for 1 month or less.
4. when you have managed to consume only a maximum of 1 stick per day, reduce it again to 2 days 1 stick, continue to reduce it to 1 week 1 stick, until you are accustomed to not smoking at all.
this trick cannot be done instantly, it takes time and intention. I managed to stop completely within 6 months. the hardest is to defend it.
tips for running the trick above:
1. Always provide at least 1 bottle of water (1 liter size) and snacks near you instead of your mouth activities that are used to smoking. water can reduce stress levels due to not smoking. And provide vitamin C supplements to avoid feeling weak due to the effects of nicotine addiction.
2. always busy time with work if not your mind will be suggestive of smoking, or if there is no job better sleep or chat with friends or family.
3. Don't listen to any friend or colleague ridicule about smoking cessation activities.
4. always think positive. instead of buying cigarettes it's better to buy something to relieve your stress such as buying coffee tea or other fresh drinks.
5. think about your finances, it's better to save or donate or buy something that is more beneficial for you or someone else than buying cigarettes.
6. If you have successfully stopped completely, don't forget to invite friends / family who are still addicted to smoking to stop smoking.
that's the trick and tips that can be practiced for those of you who are already addicted to cigarettes. only recommended for people who really want to quit completely. thanks for visiting my blog.