Kamis, 17 Maret 2016

Custom Recovery Flashing Method With SP FlashTool On MTK Device Without Root

Custom Recovery Flashing Method With SP FlashTool On MTK Device Without Root

With 'SP Flastool' you can flash stock recovery, twrp(touch) recovery or clockworkmod recovery without rooting your device on mediatek 'MTK Devices' (Micromax A89 Ninja used in this video)
With 'mobile uncle tools' without using a pc in your mediatek devices but it requires root.

The download links given here for micromax a89 recovery only. Please do not flash any recovery which is not meant for your device.

Please Please Please Read Before Download
Please google & download recovery of your phone model only. Do not flash recovery of other phones. It will brick your phone.

Requirements :
[1] MTK Device
[[2] PC
[3] Stock, Clockworkmod or TWRP(touch) Recovery of your mobile model
[4] SP FlashTool
[5] USB VCOM Drivers of your device must be installed on your pc.

Download Links :Download Links :

SP Flash Tool:

cwmr for A89 ninja : http://d-h.st/G0K
cwmr with scatter loading : http://d-h.st/R9P
stock recovery for A89 ninja : http://d-h.st/VRU
TWRP Recovery v2.3.2.3 For Micromax A89 : http://d-h.st/kih
TWRP V2.4.2.0. for A89 Ninja : http://d-h.st/NOM

Flashing stuff from any other phone than yours can ruin your phone and brick it. Don't ever try that again, or you may have to regret, if you don't have a backup. Root methods can be generic, but stuff like clockworkmod (or cwm) recovery and ROMs from a different phone would NEVER EVER work on your phone unless someone ports it to your device.

